演讲嘉宾-Stephan Roche

Stephan Roche

Stephan Roche is ICREA Research Professor, head of the Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience Group of Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2).

He is a theoretical physicist expert in quantum transport and in the development of computational modelling of nanomaterials and devices. His expertise includes the development of order N quantum transport (Kubo and Landauer-Büttiker conductances), with which he has pioneered mesoscopic transport studies in chemically disordered graphene-based materials and devices. He has a deep experience in developing advanced simulation tools in the context of industrial research, with collaborations including large companies such as NEC, STMicroelectronics, and SAMSUNG. He is co-supervising the GRAPHENE SPINTRONICS Workpackage within the Graphene Flagship project.

演讲题目:Understanding Charge Transport in Graphene-based Materials: From Concepts to Applications

I will present a successful computational strategy to investigate quantum (charge, phonon and spin) transport in structurally or/and chemically complex materials such as graphene, topological insulators, or organic matter, for which it is necessary to go beyond phenomenological approaches. The possibility to combine first principles calculations with tight-binding models, together with the development of order N algorithms which are free from any matrix inversion/diagonalization give access to the study of quantum transport phenomena in realistic models of complex materials containing up to 1 Billion atoms. Such methodologies allow direct comparison with experiments, and can hence serve as guiding tools for technology optimization, as well as new tools for discovering quantum phenomena out of reach from conventional perturbative treatments and semi-classical transport approaches.
One illustration will be the quantitative analysis on the transport properties of the damage produced during the wafer-scale production of graphene through chemical growth (CVD), or the mechanical/chemical exfoliation and chemical transfer to versatile substrates, followed by the device fabrication. Fundamental properties of charge transport in polycrystalline graphene, accounting the variability in average grain sizes and grain boundaries imperfections as observed in real samples grown by CVD will be presented, together with their relevance for device optimization and diversification of technological functionalities. Other illustrations will include thermal transport in hybrid boron nitride (BN)/graphene materials, or BN/graphene heterostructures which display fascinating physics such as the Hofstadter butterfly.
A second type of applications will focused on the study spin-orbit interaction induced by dilute ad-atom (gold, thallium) deposits on graphene.  Unique phenomenon of the spin-dynamics in graphene (such as Spin Quantum Hall effect), as well as quantitative evaluation of spin precession times and spin-relaxation times as a function of charge density will be reported. Such findings will be shown to open novel perspectives for spin manipulation, contributing to the future advent of non-charge based revolutionary information processing and computing.



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



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凯发_Stephan Roche


演讲嘉宾-Stephan Roche

Stephan Roche

Stephan Roche is ICREA Research Professor, head of the Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience Group of Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2).

He is a theoretical physicist expert in quantum transport and in the development of computational modelling of nanomaterials and devices. His expertise includes the development of order N quantum transport (Kubo and Landauer-Büttiker conductances), with which he has pioneered mesoscopic transport studies in chemically disordered graphene-based materials and devices. He has a deep experience in developing advanced simulation tools in the context of industrial research, with collaborations including large companies such as NEC, STMicroelectronics, and SAMSUNG. He is co-supervising the GRAPHENE SPINTRONICS Workpackage within the Graphene Flagship project.

演讲题目:Understanding Charge Transport in Graphene-based Materials: From Concepts to Applications

I will present a successful computational strategy to investigate quantum (charge, phonon and spin) transport in structurally or/and chemically complex materials such as graphene, topological insulators, or organic matter, for which it is necessary to go beyond phenomenological approaches. The possibility to combine first principles calculations with tight-binding models, together with the development of order N algorithms which are free from any matrix inversion/diagonalization give access to the study of quantum transport phenomena in realistic models of complex materials containing up to 1 Billion atoms. Such methodologies allow direct comparison with experiments, and can hence serve as guiding tools for technology optimization, as well as new tools for discovering quantum phenomena out of reach from conventional perturbative treatments and semi-classical transport approaches.
One illustration will be the quantitative analysis on the transport properties of the damage produced during the wafer-scale production of graphene through chemical growth (CVD), or the mechanical/chemical exfoliation and chemical transfer to versatile substrates, followed by the device fabrication. Fundamental properties of charge transport in polycrystalline graphene, accounting the variability in average grain sizes and grain boundaries imperfections as observed in real samples grown by CVD will be presented, together with their relevance for device optimization and diversification of technological functionalities. Other illustrations will include thermal transport in hybrid boron nitride (BN)/graphene materials, or BN/graphene heterostructures which display fascinating physics such as the Hofstadter butterfly.
A second type of applications will focused on the study spin-orbit interaction induced by dilute ad-atom (gold, thallium) deposits on graphene.  Unique phenomenon of the spin-dynamics in graphene (such as Spin Quantum Hall effect), as well as quantitative evaluation of spin precession times and spin-relaxation times as a function of charge density will be reported. Such findings will be shown to open novel perspectives for spin manipulation, contributing to the future advent of non-charge based revolutionary information processing and computing.



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号