
浙江大学 副教授

  林时胜,博士,现为浙江大学信息电子工程学院副教授/博士生导师。主要从事新材料微纳电子学以及光电子学方向的研究与教学工作。博士期间在浙大材料物理与化学专业从事半导体照明相关研究,导师为叶志镇教授。2008年获国家公派联合培养博士生奖学金赴美国佐治亚理工大学师从Z. L. Wang教授(王中林,中国科学院外籍院士)学习纳米科学与技术。2010年受Andre Geim教授(2010年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者)资助在英国曼切斯特大学物理与天文学系Andre Geim课题组开始石墨烯相关研究,后在浙江大学光电学院(合作导师童利民教授)与信电学院工作,开展二维材料物理器件交叉学科研究工作。先后在国际期刊Nano Energy、Nano Letters、ACS Nano、Optics Express、Applied Physics Letters等上面发表过论文60余篇,被引用900余次。
  林时胜教授在石墨烯物理及应用、二维原子半导体、发光二极管、太阳能电池器件、光电探测器等方面积累了丰富的经验。基于林时胜教授在石墨烯领域所做出的杰出贡献,2017中国国际石墨烯创新大会组委会特邀请他在石墨烯在新能源领域的应用论坛中做特邀报告,与大家分享他与石墨烯之间的故事。 林时胜教授也希望借助大会的平台,能够与更多的国内外机构展开积极的交流与合作,为中国乃至全球的石墨烯产业发展贡献力量。敬请关注!

演讲题目:2D/3D heterostructure for Energy harvesting and optoelectronic devices
开始时间2017-09-25 09:50:00
结束时间2017-09-25 10:10:00

The electrons in graphene behave as Dirac Fermions and have a very high mobility. The linear electronic band structure of graphene and the low density of states near the Dirac points allow that the Fermi level of graphene is highly tunable. The junction formed by graphene and semiconductor is ultrashallow and near the graphene layers. Those merits make graphene/semiconductor heterostructure highly efficient for optoelectronic devices. We have realized plasmon enhanced graphene/GaN light emitting diodes through inserting Ag nanodots into the interface between graphene and GaN1. Through introducing the ideas of plasmon enhanced absorption, photo-induced doping and field effect, we have achieved a high efficient graphene/GaAs solar cell with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 18.5%, which can be further improved to 23.8% according to the simulations2,3. We propose that the PCE of graphene solar cell can exceed the value of 30% under the sustainable optimization of the Fermi level tuning and other techniques4. Graphene solar cell has a bright future for industrial applications. Graphene is also a monolayer of honeycomb carbon, the interface between graphene and piezoelectronic material can largely influences the electronic properties of graphene. Through understanding the interaction between water, graphene and piezoelectronic substrate, we have achieved the electricity output through flowing DI water over graphene/piezoelectronic material heterestructure6. 

1, Z. Q. Wu, Y. H. Lu, W. L. Xu, Y. J. Zhang, J. F. Li, S. S. Lin*, Surface plasmon   enhanced graphene/p-GaN heterostructure light-emittingdiode by Ag nano-particles, Nano Energy 30, 362 (2016).
2, S. S. Lin*, Z. Q. Wu, X. Q. Li, Y. J. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, P. Wang, R. Panneerselvam, J. F. Li*, Stable 16.2% Efficient Surface Plasmon-Enhanced Graphene/GaAs Heterostructure Solar Cell, Adv Energy Mater, 6, 1600822 (2016).
3, X. Q. Li, W. C. Chao, S. J. Zhang, Z. Q. Wu, P. Wang, Z. J. Xu, H. S. Chen, W. Y. Yin, H. K. Zhong, S. S. Lin*, 18.5% efficient graphene/GaAs van der Waals heterostructure solar cell, Nano Energy, 9, 310 (2015).
4, S. S. Lin*, Z. Q. Wu, J. Xu, S. R. Feng, J. F. Li, High performance Graphene/semiconductor van der Waals Heterostructure Optoelectronic Devices, Nano Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.07.036
5, H. K. Zhong, J. Xia, F. C. Wang, H. S. Chen, H. A. Wu, S. S. Lin*, Graphene-Piezoelectric Material Heterostructure for Harvesting Energy from Water Flow, Adv. Functional Mater. 27, 1604226 (2017) 



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号



浙江大学 副教授

  林时胜,博士,现为浙江大学信息电子工程学院副教授/博士生导师。主要从事新材料微纳电子学以及光电子学方向的研究与教学工作。博士期间在浙大材料物理与化学专业从事半导体照明相关研究,导师为叶志镇教授。2008年获国家公派联合培养博士生奖学金赴美国佐治亚理工大学师从Z. L. Wang教授(王中林,中国科学院外籍院士)学习纳米科学与技术。2010年受Andre Geim教授(2010年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者)资助在英国曼切斯特大学物理与天文学系Andre Geim课题组开始石墨烯相关研究,后在浙江大学光电学院(合作导师童利民教授)与信电学院工作,开展二维材料物理器件交叉学科研究工作。先后在国际期刊Nano Energy、Nano Letters、ACS Nano、Optics Express、Applied Physics Letters等上面发表过论文60余篇,被引用900余次。
  林时胜教授在石墨烯物理及应用、二维原子半导体、发光二极管、太阳能电池器件、光电探测器等方面积累了丰富的经验。基于林时胜教授在石墨烯领域所做出的杰出贡献,2017中国国际石墨烯创新大会组委会特邀请他在石墨烯在新能源领域的应用论坛中做特邀报告,与大家分享他与石墨烯之间的故事。 林时胜教授也希望借助大会的平台,能够与更多的国内外机构展开积极的交流与合作,为中国乃至全球的石墨烯产业发展贡献力量。敬请关注!

演讲题目:2D/3D heterostructure for Energy harvesting and optoelectronic devices
开始时间2017-09-25 09:50:00
结束时间2017-09-25 10:10:00

The electrons in graphene behave as Dirac Fermions and have a very high mobility. The linear electronic band structure of graphene and the low density of states near the Dirac points allow that the Fermi level of graphene is highly tunable. The junction formed by graphene and semiconductor is ultrashallow and near the graphene layers. Those merits make graphene/semiconductor heterostructure highly efficient for optoelectronic devices. We have realized plasmon enhanced graphene/GaN light emitting diodes through inserting Ag nanodots into the interface between graphene and GaN1. Through introducing the ideas of plasmon enhanced absorption, photo-induced doping and field effect, we have achieved a high efficient graphene/GaAs solar cell with a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 18.5%, which can be further improved to 23.8% according to the simulations2,3. We propose that the PCE of graphene solar cell can exceed the value of 30% under the sustainable optimization of the Fermi level tuning and other techniques4. Graphene solar cell has a bright future for industrial applications. Graphene is also a monolayer of honeycomb carbon, the interface between graphene and piezoelectronic material can largely influences the electronic properties of graphene. Through understanding the interaction between water, graphene and piezoelectronic substrate, we have achieved the electricity output through flowing DI water over graphene/piezoelectronic material heterestructure6. 

1, Z. Q. Wu, Y. H. Lu, W. L. Xu, Y. J. Zhang, J. F. Li, S. S. Lin*, Surface plasmon   enhanced graphene/p-GaN heterostructure light-emittingdiode by Ag nano-particles, Nano Energy 30, 362 (2016).
2, S. S. Lin*, Z. Q. Wu, X. Q. Li, Y. J. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, P. Wang, R. Panneerselvam, J. F. Li*, Stable 16.2% Efficient Surface Plasmon-Enhanced Graphene/GaAs Heterostructure Solar Cell, Adv Energy Mater, 6, 1600822 (2016).
3, X. Q. Li, W. C. Chao, S. J. Zhang, Z. Q. Wu, P. Wang, Z. J. Xu, H. S. Chen, W. Y. Yin, H. K. Zhong, S. S. Lin*, 18.5% efficient graphene/GaAs van der Waals heterostructure solar cell, Nano Energy, 9, 310 (2015).
4, S. S. Lin*, Z. Q. Wu, J. Xu, S. R. Feng, J. F. Li, High performance Graphene/semiconductor van der Waals Heterostructure Optoelectronic Devices, Nano Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.07.036
5, H. K. Zhong, J. Xia, F. C. Wang, H. S. Chen, H. A. Wu, S. S. Lin*, Graphene-Piezoelectric Material Heterostructure for Harvesting Energy from Water Flow, Adv. Functional Mater. 27, 1604226 (2017) 



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号