演讲嘉宾-Mark C. Hersam

Mark C. Hersam
  Hersam研究团队专门研究低维度纳米电子材料的合成、纯化、功能化和应用,包括单分散碳纳米管、石墨烯、等离子体纳米粒子、过渡金属二硫醇、六方氮化硼、黑磷和硼烯。同时,将这些低维纳米电子材料表面功能化能得到进一步性能的改性,其中包括外延石墨烯上的自聚合单层膜,石墨烯环氧化合物的共价功能化,单层二硫化钼,石墨烯在锗上的纳米带,黑磷的表面钝化以及有机硼烯的异质结构。此外将这些不同的材料制备成混合维度的范德瓦尔斯(van der Waals)异质结构,可以在各种应用领域获得全新的重要应用,包括薄膜晶体管、记忆电阻器、透明导体、光伏电池、电池和生物医学成像造影剂。除了基础研究之外,Hersam研究团队还掌握可规模化的纳米制备工艺,如连续流处理和包括喷墨、气溶胶喷射、凹印和3D打印在内的一系列打印方法,用于推进低维度纳米电子材料的商业化进程。

演讲题目:Printable Carbon and Related Two-Dimensional Nanomaterial Inks for Electronic and Energy Applications

Layered two-dimensional nanomaterials interact primarily via van der Waals bonding, which has created new opportunities for heterostructures that are not constrained by epitaxial growth [1]. In order to efficiently explore the vast phase space for van der Waals heterostructures, our laboratory employs solution-based additive assembly [2]. In particular, constituent two-dimensional nanomaterials (e.g., graphene, boron nitride, transition metal dichalcogenides, and black phosphorus) are isolated in solution, and then deposited into thin films with scalable additive manufacturing methods (e.g., aerosol, inkjet, gravure, and screen printing) [3]. By achieving high levels of nanomaterial monodispersity and printing fidelity [4], a variety of electronic, electrochemical, and photonic applications can be enhanced including digital logic circuits [5], lithium-ion batteries [6], and photodetectors [7]. Furthermore, by integrating multiple nanomaterial inks into heterostructures, unprecedented device function is realized including anti-ambipolar transistors [8], ultrathin photovoltaics [9], gate-tunable memristors [10], and neuromorphic memtransistors [11]. In addition to technological implications for electronic and photonic technologies, this talk will explore several fundamental issues including band alignment, doping, trap states, and charge/energy transfer across van der Waals heterointerfaces [12].

[1] D. Jariwala, et al., Nature Materials, 16, 170 (2017).
[2] J. Zhu, et al., Advanced Materials, 29, 1603895 (2017).
[3] G. Hu, et al., Chem. Soc. Rev., 47, 3265 (2018).
[4] J. Kang, et al., Accounts of Chemical Research, 50, 943 (2017).
[5] M. Geier, et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 10, 944 (2015).
[6] K.-S. Chen, et al., Nano Letters, 17, 2539 (2017).
[7] J. Kang, et al., Nano Letters, 16, 7216 (2016).
[8] V. K. Sangwan, et al., Nano Letters, 18, 1421 (2018).
[9] D. Jariwala, et al., Nano Letters, 16, 497 (2016).
[10] V. K. Sangwan, et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 10, 403 (2015).
[11] V. K. Sangwan, et al., Nature, 554, 500 (2018).
[12] S. B. Homan, et al., Nano Letters, 17, 164 (2017).



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



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凯发_Mark C. Hersam


演讲嘉宾-Mark C. Hersam

Mark C. Hersam
  Hersam研究团队专门研究低维度纳米电子材料的合成、纯化、功能化和应用,包括单分散碳纳米管、石墨烯、等离子体纳米粒子、过渡金属二硫醇、六方氮化硼、黑磷和硼烯。同时,将这些低维纳米电子材料表面功能化能得到进一步性能的改性,其中包括外延石墨烯上的自聚合单层膜,石墨烯环氧化合物的共价功能化,单层二硫化钼,石墨烯在锗上的纳米带,黑磷的表面钝化以及有机硼烯的异质结构。此外将这些不同的材料制备成混合维度的范德瓦尔斯(van der Waals)异质结构,可以在各种应用领域获得全新的重要应用,包括薄膜晶体管、记忆电阻器、透明导体、光伏电池、电池和生物医学成像造影剂。除了基础研究之外,Hersam研究团队还掌握可规模化的纳米制备工艺,如连续流处理和包括喷墨、气溶胶喷射、凹印和3D打印在内的一系列打印方法,用于推进低维度纳米电子材料的商业化进程。

演讲题目:Printable Carbon and Related Two-Dimensional Nanomaterial Inks for Electronic and Energy Applications

Layered two-dimensional nanomaterials interact primarily via van der Waals bonding, which has created new opportunities for heterostructures that are not constrained by epitaxial growth [1]. In order to efficiently explore the vast phase space for van der Waals heterostructures, our laboratory employs solution-based additive assembly [2]. In particular, constituent two-dimensional nanomaterials (e.g., graphene, boron nitride, transition metal dichalcogenides, and black phosphorus) are isolated in solution, and then deposited into thin films with scalable additive manufacturing methods (e.g., aerosol, inkjet, gravure, and screen printing) [3]. By achieving high levels of nanomaterial monodispersity and printing fidelity [4], a variety of electronic, electrochemical, and photonic applications can be enhanced including digital logic circuits [5], lithium-ion batteries [6], and photodetectors [7]. Furthermore, by integrating multiple nanomaterial inks into heterostructures, unprecedented device function is realized including anti-ambipolar transistors [8], ultrathin photovoltaics [9], gate-tunable memristors [10], and neuromorphic memtransistors [11]. In addition to technological implications for electronic and photonic technologies, this talk will explore several fundamental issues including band alignment, doping, trap states, and charge/energy transfer across van der Waals heterointerfaces [12].

[1] D. Jariwala, et al., Nature Materials, 16, 170 (2017).
[2] J. Zhu, et al., Advanced Materials, 29, 1603895 (2017).
[3] G. Hu, et al., Chem. Soc. Rev., 47, 3265 (2018).
[4] J. Kang, et al., Accounts of Chemical Research, 50, 943 (2017).
[5] M. Geier, et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 10, 944 (2015).
[6] K.-S. Chen, et al., Nano Letters, 17, 2539 (2017).
[7] J. Kang, et al., Nano Letters, 16, 7216 (2016).
[8] V. K. Sangwan, et al., Nano Letters, 18, 1421 (2018).
[9] D. Jariwala, et al., Nano Letters, 16, 497 (2016).
[10] V. K. Sangwan, et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 10, 403 (2015).
[11] V. K. Sangwan, et al., Nature, 554, 500 (2018).
[12] S. B. Homan, et al., Nano Letters, 17, 164 (2017).



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号