演讲嘉宾-Byung Hee Hong

Byung Hee Hong

Byung Hee Hong,韩国首尔国立大学化学院教授、副院长。Byung Hee Hong分别在1998年、2000年和2002年获得韩国浦项科技大学(POSTECH)化学专业学士、硕士和博士学位,在哥伦比亚大学完成三年半的博士后研究,2007年加入韩国成均馆大学,2011年加入首尔国立大学并担任助理教授,目前为首尔国立大学的全职教授。Byung Hee Hong教授主要研究领域包括CVD法批量合成石墨烯,并使其大规模应用。2009年他发表关于CVD合成石墨稀的文章(Nature 457, 706 (2009))成为世界化学领域的最高引文章。
  Byung Hee Hong教授发展了合成超大石墨烯的卷曲方法,并且将该材料应用于柔性触摸屏,被认为是第一篇阐明石墨烯应用于电子设备的报道。鉴于Byung Hee Hong教授在石墨烯领域特殊的贡献,在2010年诺贝尔物理学奖揭晓前5个月,受到诺贝尔奖组委会邀请讨论关于石墨烯的论坛,为2010年诺贝尔物理学奖的评定起到一定作用,诺贝尔博物馆也展出了他的作品。他是2D Material 期刊的发起人和区域编辑,同时也担任欧洲石墨烯旗舰计划的战略顾问,创办了Graphene Square Inc.公司,并担任CTO,专门研究大尺寸石墨烯的CVD法制备及商业化。
  基于Byung Hee Hong教授在石墨烯领域所做出的杰出贡献,2018中国国际石墨烯创新大会组委会特邀请他在石墨烯在临床医疗领域的应用论坛中做特邀报告,与大家分享他与石墨烯之间的故事。Byung Hee Hong教授也希望借助大会的平台,能够与更多的国内外机构展开积极的交流与合作,为中国乃至全球的石墨烯产业发展贡献力量。

演讲题目:Large-Scale Synthesis of CVD Graphene Films and Graphene Quantum Dots and Their Therapeutic Applications

Graphene has unique mechanical, electronic, and optical properties, which researchers have used to develop novel electronic materials including transparent conductors and ultrafast transistors. Recently, the understanding of various chemical properties of graphene has facilitated its application in high-performance devices that generate and store energy. Graphene is now expanding its territory beyond electronic and chemical applications toward biomedical areas such as precise biosensing through graphene-quenched fluorescence, graphene-enhanced cell differentiation and growth, and therapeutic applications for neurodegenrative diseases, etc. In this presentation, we will discuss the recent efforts to apply graphene, graphene oxides (GO), and graphene quantum dots (GQDs) to biomedical researches particularly for regenerative medcine. 

[1] D. Kim, J. M. Yoo et al. Graphene quantum dots prevent α-synucleinopathy in Parkinson’s disease. Nature Nanotech. (published online) DOI: 10.1038/s41565-018-0179-y 
[2] Park, S. Y. et al. Enhanced Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells into Neurons on Graphene. Adv Mater. 2011, 23, H263-267.
[3] Nayak, T. R. et al. Graphene for controlled and accelerated osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. ACS Nano. 2011, 5, 4670-4678. 
[4] Park, J. et al. Graphene-Regulated Cardiomyogenic Differentiation Process of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Regulating Expression of Extracellular Matrix Proteins and Cell Signaling Molecules Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2013, 2, 1525–1531.
[5] Kim, J. et al. Graphene-Incorporated Chitosan Substrate for Adhesion and Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. J. Mater. Chem. B. 2013, 1, 933-938.
[6] Kim, J. et al. Engineering Structures and Functions of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Suspended Large-Area Graphene Nanopatterns. 2D Mater. 2016, 3, 035013.
[7] Chung, C. et al. Biomedical Applications of Graphene and Graphene Oxide. Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46, 2211–2224.
[8] Yoo, J. M.; Kang, J. H.; Hong, B. H. Graphene-based nanomaterials for versatile imaging studies. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2015, 44, 4835 – 4852.
[9] Kim, J. et al. Monolayer graphene-directed growth and neuronal differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. J. Biomed. Nanotech. 2015,11, 1-10.
[10] Lee, T.-J. et al. Graphene-Enhanced Cardiomyogenic Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2014, 452, 174-180.
[11] Park, S. et al. In situ hybridization of carbon nanotubes with bacterial cellulose for three-dimensional hybrid bioscaffolds. Biomaterials 2015, 58, 93-102.



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号
凯发_Byung Hee Hong


演讲嘉宾-Byung Hee Hong

Byung Hee Hong

Byung Hee Hong,韩国首尔国立大学化学院教授、副院长。Byung Hee Hong分别在1998年、2000年和2002年获得韩国浦项科技大学(POSTECH)化学专业学士、硕士和博士学位,在哥伦比亚大学完成三年半的博士后研究,2007年加入韩国成均馆大学,2011年加入首尔国立大学并担任助理教授,目前为首尔国立大学的全职教授。Byung Hee Hong教授主要研究领域包括CVD法批量合成石墨烯,并使其大规模应用。2009年他发表关于CVD合成石墨稀的文章(Nature 457, 706 (2009))成为世界化学领域的最高引文章。
  Byung Hee Hong教授发展了合成超大石墨烯的卷曲方法,并且将该材料应用于柔性触摸屏,被认为是第一篇阐明石墨烯应用于电子设备的报道。鉴于Byung Hee Hong教授在石墨烯领域特殊的贡献,在2010年诺贝尔物理学奖揭晓前5个月,受到诺贝尔奖组委会邀请讨论关于石墨烯的论坛,为2010年诺贝尔物理学奖的评定起到一定作用,诺贝尔博物馆也展出了他的作品。他是2D Material 期刊的发起人和区域编辑,同时也担任欧洲石墨烯旗舰计划的战略顾问,创办了Graphene Square Inc.公司,并担任CTO,专门研究大尺寸石墨烯的CVD法制备及商业化。
  基于Byung Hee Hong教授在石墨烯领域所做出的杰出贡献,2018中国国际石墨烯创新大会组委会特邀请他在石墨烯在临床医疗领域的应用论坛中做特邀报告,与大家分享他与石墨烯之间的故事。Byung Hee Hong教授也希望借助大会的平台,能够与更多的国内外机构展开积极的交流与合作,为中国乃至全球的石墨烯产业发展贡献力量。

演讲题目:Large-Scale Synthesis of CVD Graphene Films and Graphene Quantum Dots and Their Therapeutic Applications

Graphene has unique mechanical, electronic, and optical properties, which researchers have used to develop novel electronic materials including transparent conductors and ultrafast transistors. Recently, the understanding of various chemical properties of graphene has facilitated its application in high-performance devices that generate and store energy. Graphene is now expanding its territory beyond electronic and chemical applications toward biomedical areas such as precise biosensing through graphene-quenched fluorescence, graphene-enhanced cell differentiation and growth, and therapeutic applications for neurodegenrative diseases, etc. In this presentation, we will discuss the recent efforts to apply graphene, graphene oxides (GO), and graphene quantum dots (GQDs) to biomedical researches particularly for regenerative medcine. 

[1] D. Kim, J. M. Yoo et al. Graphene quantum dots prevent α-synucleinopathy in Parkinson’s disease. Nature Nanotech. (published online) DOI: 10.1038/s41565-018-0179-y 
[2] Park, S. Y. et al. Enhanced Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells into Neurons on Graphene. Adv Mater. 2011, 23, H263-267.
[3] Nayak, T. R. et al. Graphene for controlled and accelerated osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. ACS Nano. 2011, 5, 4670-4678. 
[4] Park, J. et al. Graphene-Regulated Cardiomyogenic Differentiation Process of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Regulating Expression of Extracellular Matrix Proteins and Cell Signaling Molecules Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2013, 2, 1525–1531.
[5] Kim, J. et al. Graphene-Incorporated Chitosan Substrate for Adhesion and Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. J. Mater. Chem. B. 2013, 1, 933-938.
[6] Kim, J. et al. Engineering Structures and Functions of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Suspended Large-Area Graphene Nanopatterns. 2D Mater. 2016, 3, 035013.
[7] Chung, C. et al. Biomedical Applications of Graphene and Graphene Oxide. Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46, 2211–2224.
[8] Yoo, J. M.; Kang, J. H.; Hong, B. H. Graphene-based nanomaterials for versatile imaging studies. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2015, 44, 4835 – 4852.
[9] Kim, J. et al. Monolayer graphene-directed growth and neuronal differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. J. Biomed. Nanotech. 2015,11, 1-10.
[10] Lee, T.-J. et al. Graphene-Enhanced Cardiomyogenic Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2014, 452, 174-180.
[11] Park, S. et al. In situ hybridization of carbon nanotubes with bacterial cellulose for three-dimensional hybrid bioscaffolds. Biomaterials 2015, 58, 93-102.



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号