
  邱介山,北京化工大学教授、国家杰出青年基金获得者、长江学者特聘教授; 主要从事材料化工、能源化工等研究和教学;研究工作获德国拜尔公司、瑞士加铝公司、香港中华煤气等国际名企资助。在国内外发表刊物论文680余篇,其中560余篇论文发表在Nature Mater., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., PNAS, Nature Commun., ACS Nano, Angew. Chem., Chem. Soc. Rev., JACS等刊物上(IF>7论文200余篇, 其中,IF>10论文100余篇)。论文SCI收录660余篇,SCI总引23000余次, h因子73 (Web of Sci.);申请及授权发明专利90余件。获2项教育部自然科学一等奖等奖励表彰20余次。现任中国微米纳米技术学会副理事长、化工学报副主编、Chem. Eng. Sci.等20余刊物编委;入选科睿唯安2018全球高引科学家名单。
演讲题目:Functional Carbon Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion

Abstract: Functional carbon materials (FCMs) with tuned structure and properties hold great potential in a number of fields including energy storage, catalysis and environment protection. One of the key issues is how to make FCMs cheaply and quickly. We have developed techniques for making FCMs from different carbonaceous precursors, especially from coal that is cheap and abundant in China. In the present talk, I will report on the fabrication of FCMs from coal for high-performance sodium and potassium-ion batteries, and for CO2 electrocatalytic reduction. The advantages of coal-based FCMs will be highlighted in terms of the cost and structure-performance of the concerned products. The features of FCMs as supports or structure units in composites for energy storage and catalysis will be highlighted briefly.

1) C. Hu, MY Li, JS Qiu, YP Sun. Design and Fabrication of Carbon Dots for Energy Conversion and Storage, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2019, 48, 2315-2337.
2) J Yang, ZY Zeng, J Kang, S Betzler, C Czarnik, XW Zhang, C Ophus, C Yu, K Bustillo, M Pan, JS Qiu, LW Wang, HM Zheng. Formation of two-dimensional transition metal oxide nanosheets with nanoparticles as intermediate, Nature Materials, 2019, 18(9), 970-976.
3) C Li, YW Wang, N Xiao, HQ Li, YQ Ji, Z Guo, C Liu, JS Qiu. Nitrogen-doped porous carbon from coal for high efficiency CO2 electrocatalytic reduction, Carbon, 2019, 151, 46-52.
4) XH Wu, S Zhou, ZY Wang, JS Liu, W Pei, PJ Yang, JJ Zhao, JS Qiu. Engineering Multifunctional Collaborative Catalytic Interface Enabling Efficient Hydrogen Evolution in All pH Range and Seawater, Adv. Energy Mater., 2019, 9(34), 1901333.
5) N Xiao, XY Zhang, C Liu, YW Wang, HQ Li, JS Qiu. Coal-based carbon anodes for high-performance potassium-ion batteries, Carbon 2019,147, 574-581,
6) MY Hao, N Xiao, YW Wang, HQ Li, Y Zhou, C Liu, JS Qiu. Pitch-derived N-doped porous carbon nanosheets with expanded interlayer distance as high-performance sodium-ion battery anodes, Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 177: 328–335
7) C Hu, C Yu, MY Li, XN Wang, JY Yang, ZB Zhao, A. Eychmueller, YP Sun, JS Qiu. Small 2014, 10, 4926-33.
8) YW Ren, C Yu, XY Tan, XT Han, HL Huang, HW Huang, JS Qiu. Is It Appropriate to Use the Nafion Membrane in Electrocatalytic N2 Reduction?  Small Methods, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.201900474



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
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  邱介山,北京化工大学教授、国家杰出青年基金获得者、长江学者特聘教授; 主要从事材料化工、能源化工等研究和教学;研究工作获德国拜尔公司、瑞士加铝公司、香港中华煤气等国际名企资助。在国内外发表刊物论文680余篇,其中560余篇论文发表在Nature Mater., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., PNAS, Nature Commun., ACS Nano, Angew. Chem., Chem. Soc. Rev., JACS等刊物上(IF>7论文200余篇, 其中,IF>10论文100余篇)。论文SCI收录660余篇,SCI总引23000余次, h因子73 (Web of Sci.);申请及授权发明专利90余件。获2项教育部自然科学一等奖等奖励表彰20余次。现任中国微米纳米技术学会副理事长、化工学报副主编、Chem. Eng. Sci.等20余刊物编委;入选科睿唯安2018全球高引科学家名单。
演讲题目:Functional Carbon Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion

Abstract: Functional carbon materials (FCMs) with tuned structure and properties hold great potential in a number of fields including energy storage, catalysis and environment protection. One of the key issues is how to make FCMs cheaply and quickly. We have developed techniques for making FCMs from different carbonaceous precursors, especially from coal that is cheap and abundant in China. In the present talk, I will report on the fabrication of FCMs from coal for high-performance sodium and potassium-ion batteries, and for CO2 electrocatalytic reduction. The advantages of coal-based FCMs will be highlighted in terms of the cost and structure-performance of the concerned products. The features of FCMs as supports or structure units in composites for energy storage and catalysis will be highlighted briefly.

1) C. Hu, MY Li, JS Qiu, YP Sun. Design and Fabrication of Carbon Dots for Energy Conversion and Storage, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2019, 48, 2315-2337.
2) J Yang, ZY Zeng, J Kang, S Betzler, C Czarnik, XW Zhang, C Ophus, C Yu, K Bustillo, M Pan, JS Qiu, LW Wang, HM Zheng. Formation of two-dimensional transition metal oxide nanosheets with nanoparticles as intermediate, Nature Materials, 2019, 18(9), 970-976.
3) C Li, YW Wang, N Xiao, HQ Li, YQ Ji, Z Guo, C Liu, JS Qiu. Nitrogen-doped porous carbon from coal for high efficiency CO2 electrocatalytic reduction, Carbon, 2019, 151, 46-52.
4) XH Wu, S Zhou, ZY Wang, JS Liu, W Pei, PJ Yang, JJ Zhao, JS Qiu. Engineering Multifunctional Collaborative Catalytic Interface Enabling Efficient Hydrogen Evolution in All pH Range and Seawater, Adv. Energy Mater., 2019, 9(34), 1901333.
5) N Xiao, XY Zhang, C Liu, YW Wang, HQ Li, JS Qiu. Coal-based carbon anodes for high-performance potassium-ion batteries, Carbon 2019,147, 574-581,
6) MY Hao, N Xiao, YW Wang, HQ Li, Y Zhou, C Liu, JS Qiu. Pitch-derived N-doped porous carbon nanosheets with expanded interlayer distance as high-performance sodium-ion battery anodes, Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 177: 328–335
7) C Hu, C Yu, MY Li, XN Wang, JY Yang, ZB Zhao, A. Eychmueller, YP Sun, JS Qiu. Small 2014, 10, 4926-33.
8) YW Ren, C Yu, XY Tan, XT Han, HL Huang, HW Huang, JS Qiu. Is It Appropriate to Use the Nafion Membrane in Electrocatalytic N2 Reduction?  Small Methods, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.201900474



E-mail: meeting@c-gia.cn   meeting01@c-gia.cn



Copyright © 中国国际石墨烯创新大会 版权所有     运营机构:北京现代华清材料科技发展有限责任公司
grapchina.org 京ICP备10026874号-12   grapchina.cn 京ICP备10026874号-23
京公网安备 11010802023402号